Backup a Database via SSMS

  1. After connecting to the SQL Server instance in Object Explorer, click the server name to expand the server tree.

  2. Expand Databases, and select a user database (sampledb)

  3. Right-click the database, point to Tasks, and then click Back Up. The Back Up Database dialog box appears.

  4. In the Database drop-down list, verify the database name.

    • Note: Make sure to change the destination directory to the default backup directory as indicated by the screenshot above.
  5. In the Backup Type drop-down list, select Full.

  6. For Backup Component, select the Database radio button.

  7. In the Destination section, use the Back Up to drop-down list to select the backup destination. Please keep a note of the backup up location as in the next step you have to upload the backup file to S3.

  8. Click OK to take the Full backup of the database.