Setting Up Schema Conversion Tool

  1. Launch Schema Conversion Tool (SCT) within the instance (desktop shortcut):

    • On initial launch, the New Project Wizard might automatically pop-up, if so, just Cancel

      If it prompts to update, just click on ‘not now’

  2. Go to File > New Project

  3. In the next screen, you can leave the default values, but you need to properly specify these values:

    Setting Value
    Database Type Transactional database (OLTP)
    Source database engine Microsoft SQL Server
    Target database engine Amazon Aurora (MySQL compatible)

    Then click OK

  4. We now have to specify the drivers for the databases platforms we’re going to be using. Click on Settings > Global Settings

    • On the next screen, click on drivers on the left menu, and then specify these paths:

      Setting Value
      Microsoft SQL Server driver path C:\JDBC_Drivers\mssql-jdbc-7.4.1.jre8.jar
      MySQL driver path C:\JDBC_Drivers\mysql-connector-java-8.0.17.jar