Validation and Conclusion

To Validate our Results, we need to compare the Tables that were copied to the Target Database from the Source

  1. Return to the JumpServer and back to SQL Server Management Studio, run the query below, and take note of the rowcounts.
    You can refer to the prior instructions at: Validate source table rowcount
SELECT 'dbo.Customers' As Table_Name, count(*) AS rows_count FROM SampleDB.dbo.Customers  
SELECT 'dbo.Employees' As Table_Name, count(*) AS rows_count FROM SampleDB.dbo.Employees
SELECT 'dbo.Products' As Table_Name, count(*) AS rows_count FROM SampleDB.dbo.Products
SELECT 'dbo.Sales' As Table_Name, count(*) AS rows_count FROM SampleDB.dbo.Sales
  1. Open MySQL Workbench, connect back to the Target Aurora database and Run the script Below:
SELECT 'Customers' As Table_Name, count(*) AS rows_count FROM SampleDB.Customers
SELECT 'Employees' As Table_Name, count(*) AS rows_count FROM SampleDB.Employees
SELECT 'Products' As Table_Name, count(*) AS rows_count FROM SampleDB.Products
SELECT 'Sales' As Table_Name, count(*) AS rows_count FROM SampleDB.Sales;
  1. Compare the rowcounts on both databases, and you should see that they match:


You have successfully completed this lab by creating a Replication Task on DMS that copies 4 tables and their data from source to target. You validated the data before and after the migration using the client tools on the EC2 instance.